Well that indeed sounds heavy today…
But I will reflect my views on it..
It is necessary too..!!
There are things in life we can’t escape.
This is one.
According to me..
‘COSMIC KARMA’ is about the ‘Debits’ and
‘Credits’ of karma in our Cosmic karma Account.
Which means our Actions do one of the
two things: they either Deposit positively
in our Karma Bank Accounts, or they Subtract from it.
Once we run out, trouble Ensues…
But still we can Recover by doing
Actions that ‘Credit’ our Accounts.
The Whole Idea of Karma is Simple and Easy.
‘Pay it Forward’ Concept…
We Earn Profit for our Good.
We pay for our Bad.
It’s sure.
It’s Universal.
It’s a Known and respected Fact.
So my dear Readers Fill up your Karma Bank with
Love, Honesty, peace,
Service for Mankind and in
the Fulfillment of your Duties and responsibilities.
Happy Accounting…!!!