Are you concerned about your parents ?

RITU SAYS… Is Concern and Care and Worry a vital part of Parenting only?? Only parent need to constantly think and be concerned about their Kids..?? Children have No Role in it..?? Should children not think and be concerned about their parents?? Well, the answer...

Are you Connected to your ROOTS..?

RITU SAYS… ROOTS define our Existence. Where we are from? Who We are? Our basic informal Education too glitters in our behavior and declares our Roots so loud and clear. We may have got separated from it long ago yet we Must remember all that we have received...

Do You Spend More Than You Have…?

RITU SAYS… DO YOU SPEND MORE THAN YOU HAVE…? Money is essentially powerful we all know. Money makes life easy, happy and conveniently beautiful. We Work -Earn-spend- Live happily. Nervertheless, quite often we its Visa verse. We Spend before we have it or...

Let Go

RITU SAYS… To hold is blissful indeed. To hold and regard, is pious. Yet to hold On when it is rendering Pain and Just Pain, it need be Let Free and flow. This. ‘IT’ could be Relationships, Memories, Job, Belongings, possessions and People in General...

Have Vehicle? Park Wisely

RITU SAYS… HAVE VEHICLE? PARK WISELY Does the Brand of the vehicle gives one a liberty by default to park it unevenly..?? Does the Age and it’s related passion justifies the wrong and abrupt parking?? Do you drive well yet park pathetically..?? Does your...