Giving Is Getting

RITU SAYS… GIVING IS GETTING What is giving?? What to Give?? Whom to Give?? Could be Questions encircling your Mind.!! Well dear readers… ● Giving is an Action done by the Giver when he believes that I have something I can offer to the one who...

Adopt the Spiritual Method of Communication

RITU SAYS… Adopt the Spiritual Method of Communication Well that’s something different and unique that I will share with you today my reverend Readers… Communication is the the strongest Weapon of Humans which No other Species have on this Mother...

A Black Day

RITU SAYS… A BLACK DAY 25.02.2018… SHREE DEVI THE MOST unmatched Bollywood Diva… passes away at 54…in Dubai last night… due to Massive Cardiac Attack….!!!! Most talented Most beautiful Most dedicated Lady… She entertained us...

Feed Your Hunger

RITU SAYS… FEED YOUR HUNGER Hungry kya ?? The answer could invariably be, ‘Yes’ !!! Except wen we are sleeping our HUNGER sleeps too perhaps. Hunger: is a purely hypothetical word. HUNGER OF… FOOD KNOWLEDGE LEARNING MONEY LUXURIES COMFORTS...

First Be Thankful

RITU SAYS… With our hands folded before the Almighty, day in, day out, we ask for rather beg for innumerable goodies of Life, irrespective of whether we need them all or need none or we need just few. Ironically No one ever bother to think on these lines. Our...