by Ritu Rajnish | Feb 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
RITU SAYS… KNOW YOUR COSMIC KARMA… Well that indeed sounds heavy today… But I will reflect my views on it.. It is necessary too..!! There are things in life we can’t escape. This is one. According to me.. ‘COSMIC KARMA’ is about the...
by Ritu Rajnish | Jan 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
RITU SAYS… ONCE again duly tried and tested tip… It might be tough initially to the beginner’s but to begin your morning with a Litre of Warm water can do miracles… This could be mixed with various options such as: 1. Honey and Lemon 2. Ajwaien...
by Ritu Rajnish | Jan 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
RITU SAYS… With my very personal experience I Ritu Rajnish today give you a very honest and tried and tested tip to be healthy and fit. SKIP DINNER…!!! Are you thinking that, that is the only ‘Meal of the Day’ that you take heavy and fully and...
by Ritu Rajnish | Jan 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
RITU SAYS… ARE THERE SCARS IN YOUR SOUL…?? To begin with, yes I have scars in my Soul. In fact I believe we all have Soul Scars. Scars could be of… Being Ignored Betrayal Treachery Suffering due to Family issues, job front,destined pains and many...
by Ritu Rajnish | Jan 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
RITU SAYS… TO GIVE UP IS COWARDICE Frequent and continuous failures leads to disappointments for sure. Nevertheless, the bravest and the Strongest is the one who stands tall with Hope and positivity Still. Its practically not possible. It sounds Weird too. It is...